original post can be found here
The post Can Television Play the Same Role as Church focused on how TV and
church can function in the same way, as well as how many people gain religious
influence from TV shows like 7the Haven.
Although I do agree that in some ways TV and Church do function in the say way,
because for example, both are watched on a specific time and date. There are
some points that I view differently, such as the focus on religious TV shows.
Out of the around 7 shows that I watch ‘religiously’, none of them have
Christian themes, therefore they do not offer any theological backing to my
life. Also shows like 7th
Haven and Touched by an Angel are
extremely dated, and even when they were running they were hardly realistic or
mirrors of our society. These examples make me question the idea that people
are getting the same theological benefit from TV that they are form church. The
comparison between TV and church and sports and religion differ, because the sports
and religion have the same benefits like motivation and teaching morals like
working together to achieve a common goal, all of which have the possibility of
being transferred to daily lives. While TV does not do this, instead it offers
an escape from reality and no possibility of bettering oneself. Although I see
that this was no the same connection that Sanaz specifically outlined, the same
argument for function was trying to be made, one, which I think, has flaws.
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